curriculum vitae

Name: Masayuki WATANABE (Ph.D)

Educational Background:
  1980 - 1984 Osaka University, Faculty of Human Sciences
  1984 - 1987 Graduate School of Osaka University, Institute of Human Sciences

Professional Career:
  1987-1991 Research Assistant, Shiga University
 (1991-1992 Visiting Researcher, Lancaster University, UK)
  1991-1996 Lecturer, Shiga University
  1996-2007 Associate Professor, Shiga University
  2007-     Professor, Shiga University

Specialty: Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Development

 ・ Watanabe, M. 2011 Distinctive Features of Spatial Perspective-Taking in the Elderly. Journal of Aging and Human Development, 72, 225-241.

 ・ Can three-year old children take spatial perspectives? An approach with the ' Face Rotation Task '. The Japanese Journal of Psychology 2000,71, 26-33. (in Japanese)

 ・ Developmental change and awareness of pro-environmental issues from adolescence through middle adulthood. The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology 2000, 11, 188-199. (in Japanese, in collaboration with Mr.Wakamatsu, Shiga University)

 ・ The development of typicality and context effect in the concept of "turning". The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology 1995, 6, 30-40. (in Japanese)

 ・ Developmental studies on the ability of transformational representation. With relation to the subordinate abilities. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology 1987, 35, 107-115. (in Japanese)

 ・ A Developmental study on transformational representation of pre-school children. The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology 1984, 32, 306-309. (in Japanese)

 ・Life-long development of spatial perspective taking. 2006 KAZAMA Shobou. (in Japanese)

 ・ Nyuji no Hattatsu. 1999 Minerva, Kyoto. (Japanese translation of INFANCY by J.G.Bremner 1994 Blackwell)

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Shiga University, 2-5-1, Hiratsu, Otsu, 520-0862 Japan

Telephone: +81-77-537-7831

Fax : +81-77-537-7831

E-mail : watanabe

Professional Society:
  Japan Society of Developmental Psychology
  Japanese Psychological Association
  Japan Society of Educational Psychology
  The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

Shiga University Otsu Campus