
School Education

ASHITANI Michiko Clinical psychology
INOUE Takeshi Educational psychology・Experimental psychology・Educational technology
OTA Hiroki Sociology of education
KURANAGA Hitomi Educational psychology・Social psychology
FUJIMURA Yuko Education
MIWA Kimie Education
WAKAMATU Yosuke Educational psychology
WATANABE Masayuki Educational psychology

Preschool Children's Education

SUGA Masako Educational psychology・Childhood science (childhood environment science)
YAMAMOTO Issei Early childhood education

Special Education

EHARA Hiroaki Pediatrics・Human genetics
KUBOTA Tomoko Special needs education
SHIRAISHI Eriko Special needs education
HAYAMA Yuuko Special needs education・Study of educational methods
MATSUSHIMA Asuka Special needs education

Japanese Education

INOGUCHI Fumi Japanese literature
NAKAMURA Shiro Calligraphy
NAGAOKA Yuki Education on school subjects and activities
NINOMIYA Minako Chinese literature
MATSUMARU Michio Japanese linguistics

English Education

YU Yile Linguistics
OSHIMA Hideki English Language Education・Neurolinguistics
HAYASHI Nao Literature in English
BANDO Michiko Linguistics

Social Studies Education

ANDO Tetsuro y Human geography
USAMI Takayuki Japanese history
OSHIMIZU Yutaka History of Europe and America
SAITO Hirofumi Philosophy
BAMBA Yoshihiro Japanese history
MATSUDA Takanori y Human geography
MIYAMOTO Yuka Sociology
WATANABE Akihiko Public law
HARADA Tomohito Social studies education

Mathematics Education

SHINOHARA Masashi Discrete geometry
JIN Naondo Basic analysis
SUZUKI Hiromasa Foundations of mathematics/Applied mathematics
TAKAZAWA Shigeki Education on school subjects and activities
HASEGAWA Takehiro Algebra
WATANABE Keiko Education on school subjects and activities

Science Education

ITONORI Saki Structural biochemistry・Biological Chemistry・Functional biochemistry・Applied biochemistry
OHYAMA Masamitsu Astronomy・Science education
KANO Kei Science communication
KOHYAMA Tamotsu Mathematical physics/Fundamental condensed matter physics・Condensed matter physics I
TSUNEKAWA Masanori Physical properties of metals/Metal-base materials・Condensed matter physics I・Condensed matter physics II
TOKUDA Yomei Inorganic chemistry・Inorganic industrial materials・ Inorganic materials/Physical properties
FURUHASHI Kiyoshi Cell biology・Functional biochemistry

Information and Technology Education

ISONISHI Kazuo Material processing/Microstructural control engineering
IWAI Kenichi Intelligent informatics・Educational technology
TAKENO Kimihito Education on school subjects and activities
HATTORI Akihisa Ecology/Environment
HOZUMI Shunsuke Astronomy
MIGITA Masao Soft computing・Cognitive science
MIZUKAMI Yoshihiro Theory of informatics

Home Economics Education

KUBO(MUKAI) Kaori Food Science,Nutritional Science・Cookery Science・Eating habits
TANAKA Hiroko Clothing life/Dwelling life・Home economics/Human life・Natural disaster / Disaster prevention science・Education on school subjects and activities
HIRAMATSU Kiyoko Home economics/Human life
YOKURA Hiroko Home economics/Human life・Clothing life/Dwelling life

Music Education

INUBUSHI Sumiko Education on school subjects and activities
SUGIE(NORIOKA) Yoshiko Education on school subjects and activities・Sociology of education
NAKANE Yosuke Other
HAYASHI Mutsumi Education・Education on school subjects and activities
WAKABAYASHI Chiharu Aesthetics and studies on art

Art Education

TANITA Hiroyuki Aesthetics and studies on art
NIIZEKI Shin-ya Education on school subjects and activities
FUJITA Masahiro Contemporary Concrete Sculpture
MURATA Toru Education on school subjects and activities
YONOICHI Yoshio graphic design

Health and Physical Education

OHIRA Masako Applied Health Science・Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering・Child Science
KADOMOTO Hitoshi Education on school subjects and activities
HIRAI Hajime Sports science
MATSUDA Shigeki Sports science

Environmental Education

ISHIKAWA Toshiyuki Ecology/Environment・Environmental dynamic analysis
MORI Taro Horticultural science・Plant protection science

Foreign Teachers


Center for Educational Research and Practice

KANOU Hideki Teaching practice
MATSUOKA Naofumi Career consultation
MIYAJIMA Kunihiko Teaching practice

Professional Degree Program in Education

OHNO Yasuki Education
OKUDA Enji Childhood science (childhood environment science)
KAWAGUCHI Masao Education
KAWASHIMA Tamiko Special needs education
KAWAHARA Satoshi Administration of education
KISHIMOTO Minoru Education・Education on school subjects and activities
TAMURA Yasuji Educational psychology
TSUJI Nobuhiro Education on school subjects and activities
HATA Naruhiko Education
FUJIOKA Tatsuya Science education
HORIE Shin Education
MATSUBARA Shinichi Theory of informatics・Education on school subjects and activities・Educational technology
MURATA Kouichi Method of teaching・Study on teacher education
YANO Yuki Education on school subjects and activities・Eating habits・Home economics/Human life

In charge of Teaching Practice

KAMIMURA Hisako Childcare practice

Research Center for Cooperation and Research

KAMBE Junichi Education

Research Center for Sustainability and Environment

ICHIKAWA Satoshi Environmental Education
NAKAMURA Masahisa Environmental Preservation・Civil and environmental engineering・Environmental impact assessment・Environmental Planning and Management

Shiga University International

KODAMA Nana Sociology of education・Education
WATANABE Hiromi Japanese language education